Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lompoc California

Today I'm in Lompoc.  It is only thirty five miles from the beautiful and amazing Refugio Park where I stayed last night, but it was a grueling thirty five.  Refugio State Park (a beautiful and amazing place) is zero feet above sea level.  Lompoc is 1000 feet above sea level.  Needless to say that there was a hill or two... Actually there was a three mile hill and an amazingly scary tunnel.  I mean I wasn't scared.  It wasn't like I was walking my bike like a terrified little ninny or anything.  After that I had a tube pop which is a bummer because I have to take everything off my bike to change it.  It's a time consuming ordeal.  So after I took everything off changed the tube, put everything back on again and started riding it took me about fifteen minutes only for my new tube to pop also.  AHHH!  I did this three times.  Fortunately I was able to walk my bike to a bike shop in Lompoc.  The employee then proceeded to remove the piece of glass that was causing all my misfortune.  Next time I'll be more observant when changing my tubes.

      So I'm staying tonight in the yard of a cool dude named Joffery.  We met at the bike shop and I asked him if he would let me crash on his lawn tonight and he agreed.  I'm stoked because this means that I won't have to throw down the ten dollars for a camp site.  Thanks Mr. Joffery.

    Hopefully I get a good nights sleep because I plan on putting a good eighty miles in tomorrow.  This is proving to be more exhausting than I thought.  It's only three and I'm ready for bed.


  1. Sounds like another character building day! I wish I could have experienced the dreaded hill with you. Just to brighten your day, I did hear good things about PCH at Big Sur (you lucky guy). Opens June 10. Hang in there...Dad

  2. Robert wanted me to send this to you:

    Hey Beau, keep it up man. Try to go through Cayucos. It's on the coast just past Morro Bay. Go to the end of town and visit The Brown Butter Cookie Company right off PCH. Ask for Christa and say "I love Pete Perry" and everything will be fine. Ride your bike fast and have a bitchen summer, keep in touch. Love, Robert P

  3. Have a great day today enjoying the beautiful scenery! We are praying for you on this amazing adventure :-)

